The year is coming to an end, and you may also want to start the new year with good intentions. Among the top resolutions, every year are desires such as finally getting rid of annoying pounds, eating healthier or finding more time for yourself. But how often does it happen that we ditch our New Year’s resolutions after just a few weeks? It was probably for this reason that January 17th was voted Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day. Too bad, because annoying habits, such as unhealthy fast food or too much stress, can permanently damage us and make us sick.
Would you like to set the course again next year and make significant changes with small tips and tricks? Then this post is just right for you! Because today we are going to tell you three simple formulas from the area of nutrition, exercise and time for me that will help you boost your immune system.
Nutrition and the Immune System
It is a recurring phenomenon: in summer, we eat enough fresh fruit, vegetables and lettuce, but in winter, our body craves hearty food. That’s not uncommon since our bodies use much energy in the cold winter months to warm us and keep the temperature. Also, our appetite for sweets increases because the body lacks essential vital substances. However, despite the hearty or sweet cravings, you should not forego a diet rich in essential elements, with enough fresh and raw fruits and vegetables.

Eat as colourfully as possible: For every meal, whether hearty or not, try to integrate at least a handful of fruit or vegetables of the traffic light colours, i.e. something red, green and yellow. And so to ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and fibre. Increased vitamin content in the diet also benefits winter-troubled skin.
Sufficient vital substances ensure a healthy and fresh appearance. After all, vitamins are important to ensure healthy, firm and clean skin. In winter, especially vitamin C-rich types of cabbage such as broccoli, green or Brussels sprouts from regional cultivation are highly valued. Local fruits containing vitamin C are, for example, sea buckthorn, rosehip and the good old apple. It doesn’t always have to be the well-travelled exotic.
The local Aronia berry, whose juice is offered all year round, provides you with a variety of vital substances. These include the valuable blue-violet plant dyes (anthocyanins), OPC, vitamin B9, vitamin B2, vitamin K, vitamin E and provitamin A.
As little as 100 ml of juice, a few dried berries, or one tablespoon of Aronia berry powder can support your diet positively. In addition, the ingredients of the Aronia berry ensure good defence and a stable immune system. The blue-violet anthocyanins also reduce fat tissue and alleviate the craving for sweets.
Especially in winter, it is important to spend a few minutes in the fresh air every day. Because warm and dry heating air strains the skin and dries out the mucous membranes. If this natural barrier is disturbed, this increases the risk of infection with viruses and bacteria. Too much glare, artificial light and a long look at the computer screen make you tired in the long run and damage your eyes.
Gather up and go outside for at least 10 to 20 minutes a day. You can do this, for example, during the lunch break, deliberately get off one stop on the way home or park the car a short distance from the office. Walking in the fresh air boosts the immune system, wakes you up and can boost the production of the happiness hormone vitamin D when the sun breaks through the cloud cover.
If you want to do endurance sports in winter, you should take care not to overexert yourself, especially when temperatures are below zero. Hands, feet and the head should be well protected since most of the heat is lost in these parts of the body. Please also make sure to drink enough. A good change from monotonous water can be light fruit spritzers with Aronia juice. A welcome side effect: the natural plant dyes contained in the Aronia berries, ensure faster regeneration after exercise.
Time for me

The time in which we go to work in the dim light until after sunset naturally depresses the mood. Now it is time to treat yourself now and then. Maybe a little snack, a visit to the cinema with friends or this delicious pizza at your favourite Italian. You can also plan to cook something delicious every Wednesday or go out for dinner. The main thing is that you deliberately treat yourself to small breaks from everyday stress.
Also very important: set yourself small goals! Nobody expects you to change your life from 0 to 100. Set yourself a maximum of one goal per month that you can implement as consistently as possible without tormenting yourself – for example, making sure you have enough fluids throughout the day or taking a walk for at least 20 minutes a day.
We hope that with our tips and tricks, we could motivate you to set the course for a vital and above all healthy life and wish you a beautiful winter.