Berries are incredible for your health; what makes them so exceptional is their massive load of antioxidants. Especially dark berries have become popular among health-conscious consumers. What are antioxidants, and what are the impressive health benefits of the Aronia berry? Read it in our blog post to find out.
What are Antioxidants and Free Radicals?
Our food contains antioxidants naturally. Antioxidants can be:
∙ vitamins such as vitamin C, A and E
∙ minerals such as manganese and selenium
∙ plant nutrients like flavonoids, phenols, polyphenols, phytoestrogens and carotenoids

Each one acts differently. Together they form a team to protect your body’s cells from damage. Because oxygen splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons, oxidative stress constantly attacks our bodies. These atoms are called free radicals, and they scavenge the body to seek out other electrons so they can become a pair. The process of oxidative stress begins if the unstable condition of the atoms remains. Free radicals are linked to many human diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. They are also associated with ageing, which has been defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.
Lifestyle factors can accelerate the production of free radicals. Those include cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants, radiation, industrial solvents, certain drugs, and heavily processed foods. Since the age of industrialization, we have been facing exogenous sources at a rapidly growing rate. Coincidentally we’ve been losing access to the very thing that counters these free radicals: antioxidants.
What are the Benefits of Antioxidants such as Anthocyanins?

Antioxidants prevent free radicals from taking electrons and causing damage. They are able to give an electron to a free radical without becoming destabilized themselves. Antioxidants are substances whose job is to clean up free radicals. Fruits and vegetables, especially colourful ones, contain natural antioxidants.
Some examples include berries, spinach, kale and nuts. Blue and purple foods typically are rich in anthocyanins, which are generally associated with cardiovascular health and they may be useful in treating several conditions including high blood pressure, colds, urinary tract infections and cancer.
The Aronia Berry – Antioxidant Superstar

Among the berries, Aronia melanocarpa, also known as black chokeberry, stands out as an excellent source of antioxidants. No other berry contains as many anthocyanins and OPC. Traditionally, Native Americans used the Aroniaberry as a cold remedy, and current studies are showing that they have wide-spread health benefits.
Although the Aronia plant is native to eastern North America, it’s widely grown in Europe (especially in Poland, Croatia and Germany). Due to it’s sour and astringent taste, Aronia is also called “chokeberry”. The berries are commonly prepared into jams, jellies, fruit juices, syrups, tea, powder and wine.
Just add 50-100 ml of Aronia juice or a teaspoon of dried Aronia berries to your diet every day, and your body will thank you! You can find more information about Aronia berry health benefits on our website.
More detailed information can be found on our Aronia Berry Benefits page.
Where to buy Aronia Berries?
To offer high-quality organic Aronia berry products we partner with Aronia ORIGINAL, the market leader in Germany. Aronia ORIGINAL stands for simple, natural, living. Over ten years ago they introduced naturally biologic products to the market, without any additives and compromises. Check out our Aronia online shop to discover Aronia juice, dried berries, Aronia powder and much more!